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Buttons - Default


Buttons - Skin DEFAULT

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin A

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin B

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin C

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin D

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin E

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Skin LIGHT

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - skin DARK

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Price

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Alert

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - Warning & Error

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - RESET

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

Buttons - INACTIVE

Button | | | |

Large | | | |

FORM - Text fields



Text fields - State attributes

The difference between disabled and readonly is read-only inputs are still focusable and have interactable text.

FORM - Select menu

FORM - Checkbox

FORM - Radio Button

FORM - HTML5 input

Account: eurotravel

Switches +


itype: 991
tempLeftMenuID: -1
UseApplicationCaching: False
useEnterpriseVersion: True
sitecompany: KR
useMultipleSites: 0
robotsNoIndex: True
robotsNoFollow: True
siteCurrency: DKK
defaultLanguageVersion: DK
siteLanguageVersion: DK
htmlLang: da

mobileDevice: False

enableSiteCacheApplication: Log inClear Cache
CSS & JS compile: Log inGenerate

Account: eurotravel
travelizeclientID: 1409

Front End +

Variables +